Rank Advancement requirements for Tenderfoot, Second Class and First Class may be signed off by a Troop member ranked Star Scout or higher. Star, Life, and Eagle requirements are signed off by your Scoutmaster or Assistant Scoutmaster only. Once all rank requirements are completed contact your Scoutmaster for a Scoutmaster Conference. Once your Scoutmaster Conference is completed, contact 3 to 6 adult members of the Troop Committee (not Scoutmasters or Assistant Scoutmasters) for a Board of Review. The scout must contact committee members IN ADVANCE via email or phone to scheudle their Board of Review. All Board of Reviews for Rank Advancement must be completed by the Tuesday prior to Court of Honor for the Rank Advancement to be awarded. Family members cannot be on a scout's Board of Review.
Please email for contact info for Troop Committee Members.
If you would like to begin a merit badge, please ask your Scoutmaster for a blue card, then seek a Merit Badge counselor. When your merit badge is completed, return your signed blue card to your Scoutmaster. All completed Blue Cards must be submitted the Tuesday prior to Court of Honor for the Merit Badge to be awarded.
Links for merit badge worksheets and worksheets for Rank Advancements:
For a list of Merit Badge counselors please contact
Please contact the scout office if you need additional assistance at 425-338-0380.
ANNOUNCEMENT: Effective January 1, 2014 Cooking returns as an Eagle Required Merit Badge and Sustainability Merit Badge becomes an Eagle required OPTION with Environmental Science. For more info go to
There are two special awards that a scout can earn. The Presidential Active Lifestyle Award (PALA) is a six week fitness and nutrition program. The Cyber Chip covers age-appropriate information on topics such as cyberbulling, cell phone use, texting, blogging, gaming and identity theft. Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts may earn this award. Both awards are optional and need no approval to get started. Both involve signing up online and completing the requirements. Information on the awards are listed below. Contact Pennie Langston, Advancement Coordinator, if you have any questions.