Scoutmaster Minute
Troop 39 is FUN! I see boys learning, gaining leadership, responsibility, and maturity all the time. It is rewarding for me to see young little cub scouts join our troop and learn the difference between the family oriented / adult led structure of CUB scouting to the huge change of the BOY led troop. I am proud of our troop. Boys of all ranks are supporting each other and learning how to lead and organize events on their own and adults are learning to participate in a supportive role.
We could not do anything without our fabulous adult volunteers! Thank you parents for all your time and support! We are always in need of filling more adult positions and we need more Merit Badge Counselors.
Notes about me… Pennie and I have 4 kids, 3 daughters, and Spencer is our youngest. I work full time with our family business and commercial properties, and volunteering has always been important to us. We have spent many years volunteering in Cub Scouts, the local schools, sports coaching, umpiring, camps, and the Food Bank. I have too many hobbies to list. Boy Scouts has been a great experience for me.
I have completed and even taught hundreds of hours of Boy Scout and adult leader training courses, and have received many adult awards. These courses and awards include Pack Trainer, BALOO course director 5 years, Cub Scout Day camp quartermaster 4 years, earned Wood Badge (adult equivalent of Eagle) and Wood Badge Staff Member 2 years, Council Committee Chair, Council Committee Vice President, the district award of merit, and the cub master of the year award. This year I received the highest award in the council, The Silver Beaver, and I am the course director for Wood Badge. Of course my online training has been current for many years in the courses for youth protection and others, and I have completed the Outdoor Wilderness Training twice. Adult training is important! Youth protection training must be done annually by all adult leaders.
I am passionate about following the scout law, oath, and motto. I believe in the BSA policies and support a BOY led troop. Sometimes I laugh because it would be so much easier to just “do it myself”, but the goal is for the boys to learn and have fun doing it. They are creating life long memories with their friends and even if they mess up or fail a little, they learn SO much, and have great stories to tell forever.
Yours in Scouting,
Jim Langston
Scout Master Troop 39